What is a Primary Care Network?
A primary care network is a group of practices who work together to focus on local patient care. They’ve been around since 2019 and 99 per cent of practices across England now work as part of one.
With increased demand and a shortage of clinical staff, practices find they can provide greater, more personalised care for patients when they can work together on certain services or issues.
Take a look at this short animation from NHS England which explains how they work.
Our Goals and Objectives
Brompton Health Primary Care Network (PCN) was established as a group of practices within North West London Integrated Care Board, committed to developing joint working across the primary care footprint of Kensington and Chelsea, supporting primary care transformation.
The purpose of the Network is to support member GP Practices in improving resilience and stability, to provide value for money services to commissioners and stakeholders and develop innovative, cost-effective primary and community services that respond to people’s needs.
Our aim is to work within the ethos under which Brompton Health has been established and to ensure that all parties involved in the Brompton Health PCN operate within this ethos and adhere to its agreed operational rules.
Our objective is to continue to promote the ethos that Primary Care Services remain a key component of a successful and cost effective Health and Social Care system. We will act as a platform from which Practices across the Brompton Health PCN have a unified voice that enables us to have a significant influence on the commissioning and provision of services in the locality and benefit from system savings.